Friday, May 8, 2020

The Debate On Immigration Reform - 958 Words

Abstract: Until the bill passed, much of the debate surrounding the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors, or DREAM Act, brought about legal, ethical, and logistical concerns. Illegal immigration and the population unauthorized alien in the United States were key issues in the ongoing debate on immigration reform. However, the benefits of this bill outweighed its disadvantages. Immigration policies in the United States concerning undocumented workers are strict and direct. Employers are not allowed to employ illegal or undocumented immigrants. The DREAM Act which was enacted by the Obama administration’s announcement of deferred action for deportation of undocumented youths provides alternates. Under the provision of this law, a person is eligible for citizenship if they came to the United states at age 15 or younger, are currently 35 or younger, have been resent in the country for at least five years, completed high school, and completed at least two years of hi gher education or honorably served in the armed forces for at least two years (Guzman Jara, 2012). The advantages of Dream Act as well as its disadvantages on the US economy would be analyzed. Future analysis and other immigrant working situations would also be evaluated. Introduction: Employment policies regarding hiring immigrants have been fairly straight forward since the early nineteenth century. The Unites States law provides employers with several limited ways of employing foreign workers on aShow MoreRelatedThe Congress Debates Over Immigration Reform855 Words   |  4 Pagesright back up to my shoulders. As if I was at the top of the mountain and then had someone push back down. Finding out that the Senate has plans to take down the DACA was as if they were closing the doors to my success. As the Congress debates over immigration reform, August the 15th marks the second anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. On the 15th of August 2012, President Obama began a policy calling for deferred action towards certain young individuals who cameRead MoreUnited States Immigration Reform : Why The Debate Is At A Standstill?3656 Words   |  15 PagesOwusu Professor Gilmour GOVT 05-06-2015 United States Immigration Reform: Why the debate is at a Standstill â€Å"Remember, remember always, that all of us, and you and I especially are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.† –Franklin D. Roosevelt Immigration continues to be is a highly controversial topic in the United States of America. At times it seems that the only common ground that can be found is that the United States immigration system is completely and totally broken. 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